•骜磐磁业是一家拥有30多年磁性材料行业经验的磁科技应用工程公司,长期专注于永磁材料与永磁组件的工程设计、开发、制造与销售。 • OPEN Magnetics Ltd. is a magnetic applications engineering company with 30 years experience in magnetic materials and components specialized in marketing, sales, R&D, quality control, and production. • 作为磁性材料工程应用技术的*,骜磐磁业拥有先进的磁性能检测仪器、专业的分析软件和经验丰富的*技术工程师,能够帮助客户选择合适的磁性材料,也可根据客户的需求定制各类永磁组件。 • As the expert of magnetic material application technology, OPEN has advanced magnetic testing instruments, professional analysis software and experienced senior engineers. OPEN could not only help the customer choose the magnetic material, but also customize all kinds of permanent magnet compone..